An Urban Indy reader chimed in recently stating that he was holding a rally on the steps of the Statehouse this evening. According to the reader, Johnathan Katz,
“Let’s encourage our legislators to pass some legislation that will
actually pass jobs. A mass transit plan for Indianapolis has
bi-partisan support and will create scores of jobs, both for the plan
itself, and help facilitate commerce for the area.Mass Transit will create REAL jobs for central Indiana, both in the
short-term and long-term. Our legislature is too busy debating
creationism instead of allowing localities to debate their own future.
Show up, hold up a sign or two. Maybe our legislators will pay
attention to us.”
Katz plans to be on the east steps of the statehouse where Market Street dead ends into the statehouse and will hold the rally from 5:30 – 7:30.
wow, short notice. I winder if it would be better to allow more time to spread the word…….good idea though. I’ll stop by on bike on my way home.
True that, How are events like this supposed to be seen as succesful in the public eye, when the people interested have no time to schedule this into their day. I’d like to go to something like this, but i think the also impromptu Midtown meeting is more worth while. I doubt anything will happen with that bill this year, and now seems like a better time to formulate a year long, roots campaign in the streets, than a last minute PR flop. You know some crazy local news anchor will show up, and make the station and everyone interviewed, look clueless somehow, they always do.
Before we all jump out of the boat on the random timing of the event, we should praise people looking to do good. We jump on people so quickly here instead of giving them credit for trying to move the needle. To that, I say Kudos to Jonathan.
I’m currently out of town but I’ll be with y’all in Spirit! … Is there a way to hold a virtual rally to demonstrate support for what is/was HR 1073 (the “just let us have our say” legislation). I’m rather a luddite when it comes to “social networking”, but I am nonetheless acknowledge the power of the medium.