Saraga Market

On Saturday, I attended the Made For Each Other event at Saraga Market. Made For Each Other is an organization devoted to providing an outlet for art and exhibitions in Indy’s under-served neighborhoods. This particular event featured cooking demonstrations and a chance to discuss food culture with the burgeoning international community in Lafayette Square.

Saraga has become Indy’s melting pot, as it has transformed an abandoned K-mart into a shopping destination. It’s not fancy, but it’s the real deal. This is how our city will continue to evolve, as we rely on attracting new people to fill in the gaps left by those who fled for the suburbs. This event, where one can have conversations with people who voted with their feet and moved to Indy, will help us feel more connected to one another.

These are just a couple of the pictures that I took, more photos can be seen here.

Comments 6

  • I drive past Saraga almost every day on the way to and from work (except lately because of the brutal construction delays on 38th street), and I would have loved to go to this event, but this is the first I had heard about it.

    Do you guys have any resources for publicity on any of these less trafficked (read: anything besides sports and major museums) events in the city?

    It’s also great to know that someone is making some hay in the Lafayette Square area. Fast food joints and empty buildings are getting tiresome.

  • Fine question. I really like the NUVO events calendar for cultural events, found here.

  • I’d also like to point out that this event was part of the Spirit & Place festival this year. The whole theme (in conjunction with Indiana Humanities Council’s two-year focus) was Food for Thought. And Big Car rocked the festival with several events, all presented in partnership with another organization or group.

    Next year’s theme is the body. And I’m sure it will be another awesome festival. If you’re interested, has tons of info on this year’s just-passed festival.

  • I believe I heard something about KIB doing some artistic work for this area in the future? Does anyone have any info about this. It would be great to incorporate art with infrastructure to do something practical yet beautiful to designate this area as Indy’s ‘International Village’. I envision a large gateway right off of 65 as you enter this area. 38th Street and Lafayette Road both need some TLC.

  • Im wanting to make my own kimchee can i purchase the ingredients there at this store can some one please send me an e mail please and let me know im looking for kimchee paste and fish paste

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