Slow Food USA has posted a feature article on local farmers who have made a successful push to install an edible public garden in the WRSP grounds. This should be a fine opportunity to educate children and adults alike on the multiple benefits of locally-sourced products.
I think too many of the homeless in the downtown and around IUPUI and those who "sleep" in WRSP would actually pick the food during the night unless it was gated, and having a gated garden in the park is a little odd.
The perception of just growing edible food within a very sterile park environment like WRSP is much more important than the actual yield for selling. It would be a great educational plot for people to see what other uses can be implemented in urban environments. Plus, it decreases the Disneyfication feel of such a place.
You really feel like WRSP is Disneyfied? HAHAHA, guess you haven't been there or to Orlando recently…. I agree it would be educational, maybe it should be done on the grassy knoll in front of the State Museum to dress that up a little better.
Maybe urban farming should be done by Native Americans on the front lawn (green roof of parking structure) at the Eiteljorg?
Is someone having a conversation with themselves? LOL
I've had the dueling anonymouses (anonomi?) before…it never fails to amuse me.
Why not a garden that produces foods important to Indiana's history? 🙂
I detect a fourth anonymous…I'm the second, or is it the third…..
I like the Hoosier Education related urban garden