I’ve been meticulously documenting new corners in the past few weeks. There are many more out there than I had originally thought. So many that I’m having a tough time deciding which one to post tonight. So, I need your help via Google Street View.
Here’s 3:
Oliver and Warren (make sure you go a little east on Oliver)
Harding and Roache
Eugene and Rader
Don’t worry, I have discovered many, many more than that. This is just what I’ve boiled it down to for now.
Looking at google, I think I’m the most interested in the corner of Oliver and Warren. I like that cafe by the alley way.
Ya, that “Hoffa” name is pretty irresistible.
The Second street intersection has a very nice new Median to turn the street into an Avenue style…odd for this neighborhood.
So what was the real point of this post? I’m lost. Are these corners that need fixed up, corners that you like?
The corners series is something I started with this post. They are generally little-known places that deserve to be highlighted as a part of this city’s history.
OK, I vote for Oliver and Warren. Because:
Oliver Hardy
Warren Berger
Jimmy Hoffa.
I know. It’s random. That’s the way my mind works.
Ok, that’s 2 for Oliver, and one for Harding. I’m leaving work soon, so Oliver it is.