Randomly Miscellaneous

There’s been a few interesting items that I’ve stumbled upon lately. They may each deserve their own post, but I wanted to get them on here as soon as possible.

  • Senator Lugar had an interesting speech on energy policy at IUPUI. He’s obviously an asset to this state and any future president would be wise to listen to him. Unfortunately, he does not hit on the issue that will help decrease our dependency on foreign oil more than anything else: to remake our society in a way that automobiles are no longer necessary.
  • The Indianapolis Business Journal has reported that the Nature Conservancy will move to the east side of downtown into a LEED-certified building with a green roof. The historic building on the site is in bad shape, so they have not decided whether to save it or start from scratch.
  • A bill is proposed in the state legislature to mandate 10 percent of our power to come from renewable resources. This seems low, and of course it will still be fought.

Comments 2

  • $100 oil has done wonders for the green marketplace. Now stuff actually makes sense from an economic point of view as well as from an ethical/stewardship point of view.

  • You’re correct CDC. Oil needs to be expensive in order to drive innovation towards a more sustainable society.

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